Typical Interview Questions for Those Pursuing a Professional Internship with Disney

Hi everyone!

Hope you all are doing well so far! I decided today to post about something helpful that has been used among applicants for a couple seasons and has helped me be prepared for my interviewing process. One of the greatest things about becoming an intern especially in this case with Disney. Is the environment that is prominent around you. What I mean is that in any other situation applying to certain businesses has a cut-throat mentality which is honestly non-existent when it comes Disney Intern Hopefuls. The thing one would notice instantly is “Family” among applicants, especially in online-presences like Facebook being number 1. Everyone is there to learn from one another and to support everyone in each other’s endeavors. In addition, share their respective passions and history as to why they want to work for a Great Mouse and Beloved Boss-to-be. Most of us were previous interns with the company so we all share and reminiscence what we did during our times and boast about our amazing adventures.

Anyways, compared to the college program which is a two part interview process. Professional Internship process is much more detailed consisting of four interviews (three if you don’t consider the actual application and the uploading of your documents). The first in the case portraying you the reader as an example are applying and assuming you’ve passed the application thus far and “In Submission”. You begin your actual interview process.

Part 1 consists of the General Interview. This is done over the phone and is your introduction, where you discuss general things about yourself in regards to questions about leadership topics and such. These are typical ones an applicant like myself and others before me have answered:

1. Tell me about a time you have had a salaried position rather than an hourly position?

2. What type of leadership roles did you have?

3. Tell me about the positions you have held and how have they prepared you for this role?

4. Tell me about a time that you held a leadership position?

5. Tell me about a time where you were running low on time and didn’t think you were going to finish and task and how did you handle it?

6. Tell me about a team project you have worked on and how you accomplished your goals.

7. Tell me about a time where you were facilitating a program and something didn’t go right, how did you react?

8. How do you define leadership and what qualities are needed in a leader?

9. Tell me about a project you were a leader in and how you handled it?

10. Why are you interested in a Professional Internship with Disney?

11. Tell me what you know about ______ professional internship?

12. What do you hope to get form doing a PI?

13. Have you worked full time before?

14. Tell about a time when you had too much to do and not enough time to do it all. How did you handle it?

15. Tell me about a time when you had a disagreement with a co-worker, manager, or guest.

16. How would you handle a disruptive guest?

17. Why are you more suited for the job than other applicants?

18. What would you like to get out of your professional internship?

Part 2 consists of your second interview. This is also done over the phone but instead of doing it with a PI Recruiter you will be meeting one or several of the hiring managers for the departmental location you have applied to. In most cases, this is your final step and in some time you will be given an offer or not. Or given the suggestion of referral to another department they deem you more suited to which has happened before within the same location to which you applied. Currently I’ll be entering this stage sometime after this week post-Sept 25th.

Part 3 consists of a video interview. This is the final step in our interview process and the sign that a offer is very much on it’s way reason being this is a panel interview with all the management in the location to which you’ve applied to and is the first time you will meet face to face more or less with those that you will most likely work for in the coming months starting in January.

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